Dynasty Warriors Online Eng Wiki

What is Armor Level?

Armor level in this game refers to whether or not you flinch from attacks. If you notice in battle, whenever you get hit your character will flinch or jerk backwards. While in this state you will be unable to perform any actions and can be comboed continuously. The only way to get out of this state is to stop being attacked, or to use your musou. The armor level of your character determines what attacks cause you to flinch, and what attacks don't flinch you. There are 5 levels of armor a character can achieve.

The default armor level for player characters is zero.

So it has nothing to do with the defense stat?

That is correct. Defense and armor level are completely unrelated.

How do I increase my armor level?

There are a number of ways you can increase your armor level.

  • Equip a Tiger Fur item in battle. This will increase your armor level by 1.
  • Equip a Sacred Tortoise item in battle. This will increase your armor level by 2.
  • Have your lieutenant imbue you with the Iron Wall buff in battle. This will increase your armor level by 1.
  • Use the advanced skill for the Iron Claw or Gauntlets, Steadfastness. This will increase your armor level by 3.

What effect does each armor level have?

Armor Level Name Visual Effect How to obtain Archers Troops
Generic Officers
Musou General Bodyguards
Arrows Normal Att
Mage Ice
Normal Att
Charge Att
Tiger statue fireball
Level 1 - Green sparks swirl around character Tiger Fur or
Iron Wall Buff
O - - - -
Level 2 - Green sparks swirl around character Sacred Tortoise or
Tiger Fur + Iron Wall Buff
O O - - -
Level 3 - Yellow sparks swirl around character Steadfastness or
Sacred Tortoise + Iron Wall Buff or
Sacred Tortoise + Tiger Fur
O O O - -
Level 4 SA Yellow sparks swirl around character Steadfastness + Iron Wall Buff or
Steadfastness + Tiger Fur
O O O O -
Level 5 HA Red orbs swirl around character Steadfastness + Sacred Tortoise or
Steadfastness + Tiger Fur + Iron Wall Buff
Extra SA Yellow sparks swirl around character Some charge attacks, emblems, and evolution attacks grant this O
(Bombs flinch you)
O - -

"O" indicates you cannot be flinched by these attacks.

Note: While you can not be flinched by the mage ice attacks, you can still be frozen. Also attacks that give natural Super Armor will not be added with your Armor level items.

Can you still be affected by elements?

Yes, you can still be effected by elemental effects.

What about musou generals?

Musou generals can still flinch you with their musou attacks regardless of your armor level. Most musou generals have level 4 armor at all times with some exceptions. The following generals have level 5 armor at all times.

  • Dian Wei
  • Guan Yu
  • Huang Gai
  • Lu Bu
  • Taishi Ci
  • Xu Zhu
  • Zhang Fei